Title: Domestic Water Displays in the Late Roman West
Description: Catalog of domestic water features that were newly built or renovated in the western Roman Empire between the 3rd and 6th centuries AD.
Data Availability: 
Contact: Ruprecht, Seraina  
Contributor(s): Wheeler, Ginny  
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48620/176
Organization(s): Institute of History, Ancient Cultures and Constructions of Antiquity 
Swiss National Science Foundation 
BORIS Projects: Plundering, Reusing and Transforming the Past: Grave Robbing and the Reuse of Funerary Material in Late Antiquity 
Language(s): en
Subject(s): 900 - History > 930 - History of ancient world (to ca. 499)
Keyword(s): late antiquity
Roman fountains
late antique urbanism
late antique villas
water features
Rights: CC-BY
Appears in Collections:Research Data

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