Braun, TorstenTorstenBraun0000-0001-5968-7108Trinh, Tuan AnhTuan AnhTrinhPierson, Jean-MarcDa Costa, GeorgesDittmann, Lars2024-10-142024-10-142013-04-22 this paper we address energy efficiency issues of Information Centric Networking (ICN) architectures. In the proposed framework, we investigate the impact of ICN architectures on energy consumption of networking hardware devices and compare them with the energy consumption of other content dissemination methods. In particular, we investigate the consequences of caching in ICN from the energy efficiency perspective, taking into account the energy consumption of different hardware components in the ICN architectures. Based on the results of the analysis, we address the practical issues regarding the possible deployment and evolution of ICN from an energy-efficiency perspective. Finally, we summarize our findings and discuss the outlook/future perspectives on the energy efficiency of Information-Centric Networks.enEnergy efficiencyInformation-centric networking000 - Computer science, knowledge & systems500 - Science::510 - MathematicsEnergy Efficiency Issues in Information-Centric Networkingbook_section10.7892/boris.4406210.1007/978-3-642-40517-4_22