Woelfli, WillyWillyWoelfliBonani, GeorgesGeorgesBonaniSuter, MartinMartinSuterBalzer, RichardRichardBalzerNessi, MarzioMarzioNessiStocker, ChristianChristianStockerBeer, JuergJuergBeerOeschger, HansHansOeschgerAndrée, MichelMichelAndrée2024-09-022024-09-021983https://boris-portal.unibe.ch/handle/20.500.12422/43320During the last three years the ETH-EN-tandem accelerator facility has been adapted for the quantitative determination of the rare isotopes 14C and 10Be in mg samples. The goal of this project is to routinely achieve a 1% accuracy when measuring 14C/12C ratios with a minimum expenditure of human resources and beam time. The concept is similar to that proposed by Purser and Henley (1978). The early evolution of this dating facility was described previously (Suter et al, 1981a,b). This paper is a brief report on the current status of the system and its development.en500 - Science::530 - PhysicsRadioisotope dating with the ETHZ-EN-tandem acceleratorarticle10.48350/15870610.1017/S0033822200006093