Caupin, FrédéricFrédéricCaupinHolten, VincentVincentHoltenQiu, ChenChenQiuGuillerm, EmmanuelEmmanuelGuillermWilke, MaxMaxWilkeFrenz, MartinMartinFrenz0000-0002-6741-9434Teixeira, JoséJoséTeixeiraSoper, Alan K.Alan K.Soper2024-10-072024-10-072018 et al. recently measured the structure factor of deeply supercooled water droplets (Reports, 22 December 2017, p. 1589). We raise several concerns about their data analysis and interpretation. In our opinion, the reported data do not lead to clear conclusions about the origins of water’s anomalies.en600 - Technology::620 - EngineeringComment on “Maxima in the thermodynamic response and correlation functions of deeply supercooled water”article10.7892/boris.12007410.1126/science.aat1634