Gubler, Kaspar
Gubler, Kaspar
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- Studied at the University of Zurich (history, constitutional law and journalism),
- Doctorate in Medieval Studies at the University of Zurich
- Dissertation: Gubler, Kaspar: Strafjustiz im Spätmittelalter im Südwesten des Reichs. Schaffhausen und Konstanz im Vergleich, Zürich 2015.
- 2015-2020: Digital director of the research project Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG), University of Bern
- Since 2018 secretary and member of the the advisory committee of Atelier Héloïse, an European Network on Digital Academic History (
- From 2020: Co-head of the research project Repertorium Academicum (REPAC), University of Bern
- 2020-2021: PI of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF ) SPARK research project ‘Dynamic Data Ingestion for Data Harmonization’ (
- 2022-2024 PI of the project ‘nodegoat templates‘. Templates for students, teaching and research for the research software nodegoat (funded by strategic funds of the dean of the faculty of Humanities, university of Bern).
- Since 2022 member of HECTOR, a research platform about Heritage, Culture and Norms @ Jagiellonian University Kraków.
- Since 2023 member of the Digitalisierungskommission , faculty of Humanitites, university of Bern
- Research interests: Digital history, digital humanities, university history, history of knowledge and science, history of deviance
Research Numbers