Title: Data for the article “Load and recovery monitoring in top-level youth soccer players: exploring the associations of a web application-based score with recognised load measures”
Description: Data for the article “Load and recovery monitoring in top-level youth soccer players: exploring the associations of a web application-based score with recognised load measures” to be published in Science and Medicine in Football
Data Availability: 
Contact: Ketelhut, Sascha Ingemar  
Contributor(s): Nigg, Claudio Renato  
Ketelhut, Sascha Ingemar  
Anderegg, Jan 
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48620/382
Organization(s): Institut für Sportwissenschaft (ISPW) - Gesundheitswissenschaft 
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences 
Language(s): en
Subject(s): 500 - Science
700 - Arts > 790 - Sports, games & entertainment
Keyword(s): Load and recovery monitoring
Rights: CC-BY
Appears in Collections:Research Data

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