Title: Zusatzdaten / Supplementary Material: 3.1 Aeschi SO, Burgäschisee-Nord
Description: Quantitative data of Neolithic ceramics and reference finds from Aeschi SO, Burgäschisee-Nord. The data was created in the scope of a master thesis at the University of Bern in the Framework of the SNSF project no. 152862, "Beyond lake villages: Studying Neolithic environmental changes and human impact at small lakes in Switzerland, Germany and Austria".
Data Availability: 
Contact: Hostettler, Marco  
Contributor(s): Hostettler, Marco  
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48620/164
Organization(s): Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Prehistoric Archaeology 
Language(s): de
Subject(s): 900 - History
Keyword(s): Burgäschisee
Beyond Lake Villages
Wetland Settlements
UNESCO World Heritage
Rights: CC-BY-SA
Appears in Collections:Research Data

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