Research Project:
Urban Climate Bern

crispj.coinvestigator.affiliationInstitute of Geographyen_US
crispj.coinvestigator.affiliationInstitute of Geographyen_US
crispj.coinvestigatorsGubler, Moritz Raffaelen_US
crispj.coinvestigatorsBurger, Moritz Alexanderen_US
crispj.investigatorBrönnimann, Stefanen_US
crispj.investigator.affiliationInstitute of Geographyen_US
crispj.partnerouGeographisches Institut (GIUB) - Klimatologieen_US
crispj.partnerouOeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR)en_US
dc.description.abstractSince 2018, the Climatology Group maintains an extensive air temperature monitoring network within and around the city of Bern. Distributed over different urban structures and surfaces, vegetation types, as well as topographical and infrastuctural settings, the low-cost temperature loggers are being placed within a self-made radiation shield. The network consisting of 65 to 85 stations measures air temperatures every 10 minutes from May until September and, since 2021, has also been supported by the city administration (Stadtgrün and Tiefbauamt) and the energy service provider ewb. The goals of this project are to (1) assess the urban temperature variability at very fine spatial and temporal scales in order to provide a basis for (2) the validation of geostatistical and numerical urban climate models, (3) the evaluation and inter-comparison of different low-cost measurement approaches for urban heat islands, (4) comparisons with “historical” urban climate data retrieved in the 1970s, and (5) analyses of the effects of urban heat stress on human health. Moreover, the data is being used for (6) the development and evaluation of educational material focusing on local impacts of climate change.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInstitute of Geography
dc.description.sponsorshipGeographisches Institut (GIUB) - Klimatologie
dc.description.sponsorshipOeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR)
dc.subjectDewey Decimal Classification::500 - Science::550 - Earth sciences & geologyen_US
dc.subject.keywordsUrban Temperature Dataen_US
dc.subject.keywordsUrban Heat Islanden_US
dc.subject.keywordsLow Cost Measurementsen_US
dc.titleUrban Climate Bernen_US
unibe.project.duration01-11-2017 - 31-12-2025en_US
unibe.project.managerGubler, Moritz Raffaelen_US
unibe.project.primarycontactBurger, Moritz Alexanderen_US
unibe.projectManager.affiliationInstitute of Geographyen_US
unibe.projectprimarycontact.affiliationInstitute of Geographyen_US
unibe.publication.titleBurger, Moritz; Gubler, Moritz (October 2020). Der Berner Stadthitze auf der Spur - Stadtforschung aus klimatologischer Perspektive. GeoAgenda(3), pp. 4-9.en_US
unibe.publication.titleGubler, Moritz Raffael; Meier, Fred; Meyer, Lukas Simon; Brönnimann, Stefan (2021). Intercomparison and combination of low-cost urban air temperature measurement approaches [Dataset] [Dataset].en_US
unibe.publication.titleGubler, Moritz; Christen, Andreas; Remund, Jan; Brönnimann, Stefan (2021). Evaluation and application of a low-cost measurement network to study intra-urban temperature differences during summer 2018 in Bern, Switzerland. Urban climate, 37, p. 100817. Elsevier 10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100817 <>en_US
unibe.publication.titleBurger, Moritz; Gubler, Moritz; Heinimann, Andreas; Brönnimann, Stefan (2021). Modelling the spatial pattern of heatwaves in the city of Bern using a land use regression approach. Urban climate, 38, p. 100885. Elsevier 10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100885 <>en_US
unibe.publication.titleBurger, Moritz; Gubler, Moritz; Brönnimann, Stefan; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana; Winkel, Mirko (2022). Berns Westen im (Klima-) Wandel. Wie sich Stadtentwicklung und Klimawandel auf das sommerliche Mikroklima auswirken. Fachbeitrag zu Berner Geographische Mitteilungen 2021 (Reihe G Grundlagenforschung G99). Bern: Geographica Bernensia 10.4480/GB2022.G99 <>en_US
unibe.publication.titleBurger, Moritz; Gubler, Moritz; Brönnimann, Stefan (2022). Modeling the intra-urban nocturnal summertime air temperature fields at a daily basis in a city with complex topography. PLoS climate, 1(12), e0000089. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000089 <>en_US

