GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Publication: Financial and prosocial rewards differentially enhance cognition in younger and older healthy adults Authors: Nadine Schmidt, Marta Menéndez-Granda, Patric Wyss, Michael Orth, Sebastian Horn, Matthias Kliegel, Jessica Peter Status: under Review DATA SETS (n = 504, NA: missing values) 1. Data_task.csv (data on task level, i.e., participants overall performance in the monetary incentive delay task. One row per participant) 2. Data_trials.csv (Data on trial level (i.e., participants responses per trial). One row per trial. Extraordinary fast or slow responses have already been excluded according to the criteria: lower threshold: mean – 3 × SD, upper threshold: mean + 3 × SD --> restricted by task at 800ms) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Data_task.csv: data on task level ---------------------------------------------------------------- Code: participant code age: participants’ age in years sex: 1 = male, 2 = female handed: participants’ handedness. 1 = left, 2 = ambidexter, 3 = right degree: highest educational degree. 1 = Pedagogical / University / Technical college, 2 = University of Applied Sciences, 3 = A-levels/ technical secondary school (gymnasiale Maturität / Fachmittelschule), 4 = Vocational A-levels (Berufsmaturität), 5 = Higher technical college (Höhere Fachschule), 6 = Apprenticeship, 7 = Compulsory education edu_years: approximate number of years in education (based on degree). 1 ~ 16, 2 ~ 17, 3 ~ 13, 4 ~ 14, 5 ~ 15, 6 ~ 13, 7 ~ 10 age_group: age group "young" v.s. "older" reward_type: reward condition. Prosocial = all money is donated to charity, combined = half of the money is donated, the other is paid to participants, financial = all money is paid to participants points: total performance score (correct responses that were faster than mean baseline response time; a minimum of 29 points had to be achieved in order to gain money) BL_RTmean: average response time for correct answers in the baseline run BL_performance: number of correct answered baseline trials /total trial number of 20 health: "How is your state of health in general?" 1 = very bad, 2 = poor, 3 = mediocre, 4 = good, 5 = very good thrift: "I need to keep my expenses low" 1 = true, 2 = rather true, 3 = rather not true, 4 = not true donation: "How often do you donate money to a charity/ an environmental organization?" 1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = regularly moneysat: "I need to worry about my financial situation" 1 = true, 2 = rather true, 3 = rather not true, 4 = not true ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Data_trials.csv: data on trial level ------------------------------------------------------ Code: participant code reward_type: reward condition. Prosocial = all money is donated to charity, combined = half of the money is donated, the other is paid to participants, financial = all money is paid to participants trial_type: 0 = control trial (no incentive), 1 = reward trials (incentive) trial_perc: trial number / 95 (rescaled trial number for fitting) sex: participants' sex. 1 = male, 2 = female age_group: age group "young" vs. "older" BL_RTmean: average response time for correct answers in the baseline run BL_performance: number of correct answered baseline trials /total trial number of 20